#anti lucasfilm
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dalekofchaos · 6 months ago
The fact that John Boyega and Ahmed Best are the ones supporting Amandla. And the complete silence from Disney/Lucasfilm. Really paints a picture, doesn't it?
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hearts-keep-going · 6 months ago
The Acolyte getting canceled further validates my opinion that Disney only cares about catering to the racists and the misogynists of the fandom because they happen to scream the loudest. For some reason, they are seen as “true” Star Wars fans.
They catered to them after TLJ and then we got TROS. Now they’re catering to them again and we lose a good show…
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caripr94 · 1 year ago
Look what the news site for Disney has the audacity to say. In case you didn't have enough proof that they consider Hayden Christensen as nothing more than nostalgia bait.
Just when this guy is getting some respect and drawing in fans to their media, Disney is considering kicking him to the curb. And all they can say as an excuse is basically "we don't have any more stories for him" and "he's getting too old to make him look young". After they made up a canonically inconsistent adventure to drag desert hermit Obi-Wan into, CGI'ed up a 70-year-old Mark Hamill to play a mid-20s Luke Skywalker, and brought Palpatine back from the dead to cram into their sequel trilogy finale.
On the bright side, at least they can't butcher Hayden!Anakin anymore like they've done in these recent shows. But on the other hand, it gives me more reason to see Disney Lucasfilm crash and burn so that someone else can rebuild it from scratch and bring Hayden back in to give him the respect he deserves.
@tragicfantasy-girl, @nerdychristianfanboy, @roselani24, @fanfic-lover-girl, @fanfictasia, @gch1995, @riana-one, @marvelstars, @vaderdala1541, @wingletblackbird, @padawanlost, @redrikki, @kittenfangirl20, @rebelnurse, @friendlyneighborhoodgeek, @the-average-procrastinator, @clawedandcute, @the-far-bright-center
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lordofhunger47 · 3 months ago
I'm just gonna make a song to show my "excitement" for the "New Trilogy" and "Rey Movie":
**(Verse 1)**
Oh, once upon a galaxy far away,
A hero named Luke had his shining day.
With wisdom and power, the Force was his guide,
But the new trilogy pushed him aside.
Oh Lucasfilm, what did you do?
You took our beloved and turned him to blue.
Rey’s no savior, she’s no shining light,
Just a Mary Sue in the dark of the night.
**(Verse 2)**
They said, "Look, she’s strong, she’s the one to believe,"
But where's the depth? It’s hard to conceive.
Jaina Solo, a warrior so bold,
Now left in the shadows, her story untold.
Oh Disney, you’ve shattered the lore,
Old EU’s the canon we’ll always adore.
Ben Solo’s a whiner, an edgelord in pain,
Just a deformed clone of Jacen’s old reign.
Stole Ben Skywalker’s name, what a low blow,
Bringing back Palpatine—oh, what a show!
Like Dark Empire’s echo, a tale we disdain,
You had all the riches, but squandered the fame.
**(Verse 3)**
So raise up your voice, let the banners unfurl,
For legends forgotten in this new Disney world.
We’ll cherish the stories, the heroes, the falls,
With the Old EU standing strong through it all.
Oh Lucasfilm, what did you do?
You took our beloved and turned him to blue.
Rey’s no savior, she’s no shining light,
Just a Mary Sue in the dark of the night.
So here’s to the past, where the true tales reside,
In the heart of the fandom, our love won’t subside.
Though you blew your shot, we’ll always remember,
That the truest of stars will always burn brighter!
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grimlocksword · 10 months ago
Star Wars using The Acolyte Official Trailer to BOOST non-binary villain...
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deafblindshorty · 2 years ago
So...does the Lucasfilm Story Group know that a lot of fans don't like the Poe the former spice runner thing? Or do they just not care? Because that little reminder keeps popping up everywhere (The Timelines book, the TROS novel, the Star Wars facts book, the TROS VOD, Free Fall, the ROTJ Rebellion comic...).
I mean, they bring that up more than they do the fact that Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter. Just saying.
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dalekofchaos · 8 months ago
The problem with Rey choosing to rebuild the Jedi Order and take the Skywalker name
When I look back on Rey's journey throughout the trilogy is that it's apparent to me that she really doesn't show a desire to be a Jedi.
In The Force Awakens, Rey wanted to find her family, she is mesmerized by so much green in the galaxy and ultimately protecting her friends.
In The Last Jedi she wanted to find her place in the story and bring Ben back to the light. Rey ultimately comes to terms with the fact that she wasn't born into any powerful bloodlines and made peace with her family being gone. Rey forged her own heroine's path and it worked.
In the Rise of Skywalker, Rey goes back to the same hairstyle she had since she was a child and the same outfit in TFA, but in white, it's like all the growth from the last movie never happened. Rey's motivation is whatever the plot demanded it to be. She wants to "earn" Luke's Lightsaber(fuck you JJ) and she wants the Jedi to be with her. Now it's a plot convenience to stop the bad guys. And she's in killmode everytime she sees Ben. Now the uplifting message that she's not related to anyone is gone, she's related to the literal Satan of the Star Wars universe. Now she wants to kill Palpatine out of revenge. Now she has this new found reverence for "Master Skywalker" when it was never there to begin with. It's only because of Ben's redemption that she doesn't strike Palpatine in anger. Ben dies, Rey goes to the literal tomb of the Skywalkers and symbol of the family's misery, buries the sabers and takes their name.
TROS absolutely destroyed Rey’s characterization. In a way that’s kind of mind blowing actually. She’s definitely meant to be a parallel character to Luke, but Rian purposely wrote it to subvert fan expectations. A lot of people probably saw the story trajectory following the OG trilogy after TFA, which had a very similar vibe to ANH. However while both Luke and Rey start out as mysterious nobodies, Luke very much did not want to be Vader’s son. His curse was being the son of this monster, and finding out the truth about his lineage. Meanwhile, for Rey, it’s literally the exact opposite. She wants desperately to be apart of something. Kylo points out her weakness perfectly in TLJ- “Your parents threw you like garbage… But you can't stop needing them. It is your greatest weakness. You're looking for them everywhere… in Han Solo… now in Skywalker.” Rey wanted to apart of something bigger than herself to belong. While Luke’s hero’s journey started by accepting his parentage, Rey should’ve begun by accepting that she alone was enough, and she deserved a place in this story for her own merits.
TROS absolutely dismantles this by having Rey discover she’s actually related to the big bad (just like Luke), which somehow earns her a place at the table. Except unlike Luke, who had 3 films prior to truly hate/come to terms with Vader, Rey meets Palpatine in the very last movie, and he essentially becomes a villain-of-the-week or a Marvel villain of sorts. There’s no build up. Rey’s powers suddenly need to be “explained” to the audience, via her lineage, and it’s horrendous because the message of the prior films showed that anyone can have the force. Also Rey suddenly having an attachment to Luke or the Jedi order makes no sense from her character’s perspective. It feels as if Rey is supposed to represent the audience, and her worship of Luke is reminiscent of how fans (who’ve had 47 years of Star Wars fandom prior) should feel about him. But Rey as an individual, as a character, should not view Luke in this way. They did not get along in TLJ, and in the long run, his impact on her was very minimal. And by clinging to past ideas, it just shows Kylo Ren/Ben Solo was right. She can’t stop needing parental figures to feel loved/belonged. She needs to carry that torch.
Now Rey is expected to be this Jedi Master 15 years later.
Here's the problem. Rey has never shown a desire to be a Jedi. It's just something that was necessary to become. They never explored what Rey wanted.
“People keep telling me they know me. No one does” neither did JJ Abrams or DLF, apparently.
To me, Rey's desires were to have a family, to live on a green planet and to live in peace with Ben, her other half. While Ben's story should have been actually completing what Anakin. Saving the one he loved and starting a family.
Ben died and so instead of giving what Rey wanted, she's given what JJ Abrams and DLF wanted, a Jedi's life of duty instead of a desire of love and family.
Now it feels like Rey is going to be like they ended things the way they did so Rey could succeed leading a Jedi Order where Luke failed and to me, that's boring, might as well just say Rey is going to become Legends Luke.
For me, personally, the more interesting story moving forward would be having Rey go darker. Completely subverting fan expectations, but I know Disney won’t do this. However, based on how TROS ended off, I think it could be an interesting way of continuing the story and re-gaining interest from fans who’ve become bored with the same formula.
Just imagine. Rey founded a new Jedi Order, but Rey isn't happy. She thought this is what she wanted, but it isn't. She does her best to mask her feelings from her students and fellow Jedi Council members, but deep down she knows what she wanted is long gone. "But what if he can come back" she thought to herself. she grows darker and starts committing dark acts to bring Ben back. If she condemned herself to the dark side, so be it. If her own Jedi Order turns against her, so be it. She throws away the Skywalker name and leaves the past behind her. She will find Kylo's helmet, wears his sweater and take his title. The force took her other half, so Rey will rip apart the force to bring him back.
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TROS Concept Art
Pablo Ruiz
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wetsocksinbed · 11 months ago
sometimes I think about the fact that when the Jedi were founded, there were very different rules (going by Pre-Disney novels, anyway). Attachment wasn’t forbidden. Love and marriage were allowed. You could show emotion and feel things without being scared of falling to the dark side. The Jedi were powerful beings who protected the galaxy while simultaneously also having families and loved ones. Who decided to change that? Who woke up one day and decided to implement those extremely cult-like behaviours? Obviously putting those rules into place would cause more problems for everyone. Was it Yoda? Was it the previous Grand Master?
As Anakin mentioned in Star Wars the Clone Wars, by Karen Traviss, it was incredibly hypocritical for Ki Adi Mundi to be allowed multiple wives and still be on the council. Anakin was aware of the low male birth rate of Ki Adi’s species, but he was also aware that this kind of hypocrisy was something that would cause disillusion. On that topic, in No Prisoners, also by Karen Traviss, Ahsoka tells a clone that the Jedi are allowed to love, they just can’t have emotional attachments. Rightfully so, the clone is confused by this, because how can you love someone without being attached to them?
As someone who grew up in a religious cult myself, it’s fascinating seeing similarities between what I grew up in, and the Jedi Order. Granted, the Jedi and the Republic were the lesser of two evils, but that was one of the reasons why the Jedi fell to easily. They were stuck in their ways of seeing everything black and white. They blindly saw the galaxy as being either “good” or “evil”, and refused to realise there could be people in between. The Jedi only helped planets if the planet agreed to side with them, instead of aiding a planet because of morality and justice. Whereas before the war, the Jedi valued all life and would help people without any kind of deal or reward.
Yoda was flawed. Mace Windu was flawed. The people put in place to guide the Jedi became complacent and forgot what it meant to be peace keepers. Yoda realised this too late, and that is why he trained Luke differently to the rest of the Jedi.
anyway that’s my little rant done. I still hate the sith more than the Jedi so I guess I’m still pro Jedi, but I like the High/Old Republic much better
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caripr94 · 1 year ago
Rogue One/Sequel Trilogy Salt
'A New Hope' is the story of a boy who grows up in a tranquil home and dreams of joining a war. What if we have the story of a girl who grows up in a war and dreams of returning to the tranquillity of home?
Gareth Edwards
This quote is evidence that Jyn Erso was written to be a foil to Luke Skywalker. Before Rogue One came out, I and a bunch of other fans were speculating Jyn to be Luke's wife and Rey's mom (due to the resemblance to Rey, the speculation about Rey being Luke's daughter, and the parallels between Jyn and Luke (and between Jyn and Mara Jade, Luke's Legends wife, to the point where it seemed like Jyn might become the Disney canon version of Mara)). Even after the film came out, I was still hoping for Jyn to pull a Phil Coulson for that, particularly with that kyber crystal necklace she had.
Years later, after Lucasfilm has mangled up Rey's origins along with the latter two sequels, I haven't completely given up on that idea, but it's been barely on my mind, and I've been torn between that and Jyn's relationship with Cassian Andor. But now, reading that quote has stirred up my feelings towards the former (and from what I've been recently reading about Cassian, he's kind of old for her anyway). It seems like a great opportunity that Lucasfilm has wasted.
@araitsume @aomoviegeek @reynaberrieorgana @fyeahreysky @finnrey-skywalker @roselani24 @jonesgirl88 @tragicfantasy-girl @vaderdala1541
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lunarspiral1127 · 2 years ago
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The fact that Temuera Morrison was supposed to be in s3 of The Mandalorian but he never got the call and was left waiting.....he deserves better, the character of Boba Fett deserves better, and we the fans deserve better. And here I thought my anger at the show would lessen now that the season is over.
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lordofhunger47 · 3 months ago
Wow, I was already not interested in seeing Skeleton Crew and even if it was not a Disney Brand Star Wars I would not for some pale imitation of Stranger Things with Hollywood's pathetic obessive attempts in imitating the 80s, now with the possibility of them setting up Sequel Trilogy the worst trilogy ever made? I'm now even less incline to give it a shot.
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grimlocksword · 9 months ago
Based Critic calls The Acolyte a DISASTER! Kathleen Kennedy's DREAM lesb...
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guardianjameslight · 2 months ago
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Never thought I would see people calling Lego games woke. And their reason why Wolfenstein is woke is so stupid it's funny.
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jedimasterbailey · 3 days ago
Hello Tumblr, it’s been a while but all these deluded assumptions about who would replace Kathleen Kennedy if she truly is stepping down as President of Lucasfilm allegedly by the end of the year have me heated once more. Why are people so insistent that Darth Felonious (Dave Feloni) and Jon Favarau would be the natural potential leaders? Kathleen’s role is more financial more than anything else; she produces projects allowing them to happen she is not part of the creative process one bit; so why would creators take that role? Second I can’t help but notice the more successful recent Star Wars projects (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Andor, etc.) have nothing to do with these individuals; if anything those two lovebirds are always producing the more controversial/beaten to Death Star Wars projects (I.e. 3rd Season of Mandi, Ahsoka, Bad Batch, etc.). Thus my second question is why to people suck these guys balls so hard. It’s exhausting and no I will not be entertaining the love fest those two seem to generate within the fan base.
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short-wooloo · 2 years ago
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dalekofchaos · 2 years ago
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I waited over 20 years for a Boba Fett show and I was disappointed in TBOBF. Seems like the man himself shares my disappointment. The way they've treated both TBOBF and him has been so disrespectful and I am still fuming at how they sidelined Boba in his OWN SHOW to shoehorn in a Mando plot they could have done in s3.
We Fett fans were 100% right. Disney Star Wars did Tem/Boba dirty, and it’s not right whatsoever! At this point it’s so clear that they only used Boba Fett as a catalyst to get Din and Grogu to where they wanted them for mando s3
Boba Fett is the VERY REASON why The Mandalorians exists in the first place and instead of taking his place with his people, he is constantly given the shaft and replaced by Din and Bo.
There was a time when Boba Fett was the most badass bounty hunter in the galaxy before continuing his father's legacy by becoming the new Manda'alor. Boba cleaning up the outer rim and rule through honor and respect had potential, but it's clear the people involved had no idea what to do with Boba Fett. All they had to do was literally everything here. Show Jango's past as Mandalorian, show Boba's change from cold Bounty Hunter to crime lord dispensing justice(and actually doing crime) feature his Bounty Hunter allies and rivalry with Cad Bane(hint hint use Daniel Logan in flashbacks for the cut Bounty Hunter arc) and tease the future with the Syndicate, potential confrontation with Mace and Boba potentially meeting Omega. How is it I know more about Boba Fett than Filoni?
He has a right to be pissed and not just about Boba's treatment(especially considering how much of himself and his own culture he put into the character), but Star Wars/Disney lightens the clones’ skin, that’s HIS appearance the clones are based on. Beyond disrespectful.
Boba Fett deserved better, the Clones deserves better and Temuera deserved better. Fuck Filoni and fuck Favreau.
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